I am SO God’s Favorite Conference

Mark Your Calendar! Does God have favorites? Oh yes, He does! You might be surprised who makes His list! I will be joining my amazing friends for the I am SO God’s Favorite conference, February 10th and 11th. We will be speaking at Charis Christian Church, 4811 E. Julep St. Ste. 101 in Mesa, Arizona […]

I poured out my complaint to you, God. I lifted up my voice, shouting out for your help. When I was in deep distress, in my day of trouble, I reached out for you with hands stretched out to heaven. Over and over I kept looking for you God, but your comforting grace was nowhere […]

“A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society.”—Billy Graham Great quote! I believe that we could formulate yet another relevant sentiment with just a quick exchange of words: “Our heavenly Father is the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet the most […]
Heart of Grace Part 1

“Why hadn’t I heard it like this years ago?” That question kept resounding in my head as I was learning more and more about how God was deeply in love with me. Sure, I had heard this love message before. But what I was hearing at one particular seminar was fashioned and delivered in a […]