Life on Purpose
Doctor Sally Smale has invited me to present on her weekly show entitled Life on Purpose. There is nothing more invaluable than having the kind of like-minded friendship that Sally and I share! As believers, we both know that we are called to redeem the time we are given and to live life on purpose […]
Spark a Wildfire

But how can people call on him for help if they’ve not yet believed? And how can they believe in one they’ve not yet heard of? And how can they hear the message of life if there is no one there to proclaim it? (Romans 10:14 TPT) God asked me to picture a wildfire. Images […]
Heart of Grace Part 2

Saved but Stuck No believer wants to be in that category. Being stuck is just another term to describe a hardened heart. A hardened heart develops when our thoughts are focused on any one thing more than we are on God. We have placed a higher regard on it, therefore, it governs our thought processes […]