The Lure of the Law Part 3

In part one, I had mentioned that the Law works beautifully for those whom it was intended. It was intended for those who refused to see God as a God who can. Anyone who still wants to try and adhere to it completely, feel free. Newsflash: No one can! God’s miracles and divine protection before […]
The Lure of the Law Part 2
Be careful what you ask for! How many times have we heard that line? It usually comes from our very own lips—many times uttered as an after-the-fact realization. It further carries a sting to our egos because what was requested didn’t turn out as favorably as first thought. RIIIIGHT? We left off last time questioning […]
The Lure of the Law Part 1

It’s about an hour until the clock strikes midnight and sister Gotta Do is taking a quick trip down memory lane—a very quick trip, mind you, as she finds it difficult to recall every moment on this year-in-review journey. One thought glaringly highlights the fact that exactly 365 days ago, she was in this very […]